Sleep Better By Treating Insomnia Naturally
Most people underestimate the importance of quality sleep. Is it more important than meeting the deadline at work? Can it wait another hour while you finish that load of laundry? Will you make up for a late-night outing with friends by sleeping in the next morning? On any given day, it’s tough to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep because all of the other things we have going on seem so much more pressing. So, when you suffer from insomnia, it’s like adding fuel to the fire.
The Benefits Of Sleep
The first stage of sleep is restoring and replenishing the body. It usually takes about four hours for your body to restore itself. The next four hours are focused on giving your brain time to rest and reset. Now, in order to achieve your deep and most restful sleep, your brain needs to be operating efficiently to allow this crucial stage to take place.
An efficient brain that allows you to get plenty of high-quality sleep can support a healthy physical, mental, and emotional state. Additionally, plenty of high-quality sleep helps you perform better by mitigating cognitive deficits that can occur due to exhaustion. If you struggle with fatigue, lack of sleep, or insomnia, we don’t have to tell you that lifestyle pressures at work and at home can exacerbate these problems. Treating your insomnia or sleep problems at the source is essential to your overall health and well-being.
What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep?
Not getting enough sleep, even by just an hour or two per night, can wreak havoc on your body and your mind. Tiredness, severe fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating are all symptoms you might experience when you lack high-quality sleep and restorative time. Additionally, lack of sleep and insomnia can be risk factors for a number of other health conditions, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, and depression.
Treating insomnia can be challenging for two key reasons. Identifying the symptoms of insomnia or lack of sleep is tough for some people. Many think that some degree of fatigue is normal on an everyday basis. Additionally, the longer your symptoms go untreated, the more imbalanced your brain’s neuropathway becomes.
Regulate Sleep Disorders And Treat Insomnia Without Medication
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consider lack of sleep a public health problem. Treatment options are consistently expanding and breaking out of the traditional mold of prescription medication.
Neurofeedback training allows you to pinpoint the behaviors and symptoms that may be causing your sleep disorder or insomnia. Once you’ve become aware of the triggers that lead to lack of sleep, you can begin modifying the behavior and re-train your brain to get more, higher-quality sleep (and reap its benefits) when you hit the bed at night.
How You Can Start Sleeping Better Today
While we’d like to think neurofeedback is about as close to magic as an insomnia treatment, we understand that it is a learning process, much like anything else. In addition to neurofeedback training, we recommend:
Creating a sleep routine, including a relaxing ritual before bed and trying to stick to a consistent schedule
Limiting caffeine, alcohol, and sugar a few hours before turning in
Avoiding blue light from electronics an hour before bed
Not doing anything besides sleeping when you decide to go to bed - don’t read, watch tv, or browse your phone. Do those things outside the bedroom as behaviors can be conditioned based on locations and setting cues.
Your behavior outside the bedroom can significantly impact the quality of sleep you get inside it. If you struggle to sleep or have insomnia, you want to treat your symptoms as soon as possible, and you can do so without medication.
Today, we can learn more about treating insomnia without medication by contacting our sleep experts at Neuroplastree Centers.